Sunday, August 21, 2005

Resting Before the Feast

I'm resting before the feast, which I know will be an exciting affair.

I'm looking forward to celebrating with the serpents. They are, you know, special creatures and were held in high regard in the Goddess Realms.

When I lived in Eastern Oregon, this is a number of years ago now. I spent many pleasurable hours working as a docent at a local Natural museum. I worked with raptors first, learned how to handle them and, later, taught visitors about the magnificence of these regal birds. The experience was thrilling, for me, it was a dream come true.

Later, I moved on to work with snakes and found that experience to be was mysteriously spiritual. Could it be because of their connection to the Goddess? There are some creatures that identify with the soul, raptors, ravens, and serpents fall into that category. The fact that I have had close-up encounters with those creatures has expanded my horizons. Raptors are regal, ravens of course are shape changers, messengers of the Goddess. But there is something about serpents that is beyond the obvious.

When I was handling snakes and stepped forward to show them off, it seemed most adults took a step back backward. Most of the children crowded closer. Some, mostly little girls, didn't want to touch the reptile because they had been taught that they were slimy and cold. By the end of the session, I was able to prove to most of them how wrong they were. Tentative stroking of a snake opened little eyes in wonderment. I like to think that those children grew up to be caring humans, beings that respected all creatures, be they crawlers, flyers, swimmers, or runners.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. I must go now and prepare for the feast.



At 7:19 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Vi - I enjoyed reading this letter very much and agree with your musings on the animals. Seems to me we all need to take a second look and see what's really there.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Believer said...

What an interesting background you have, Vi.

We've had several animal shows visit the library--most recently, the "Lizard Man." It's surprising how different terminology can make you think differently. The finale of the show features a 12 foot constrictor. He stretches her out full length on the floor and allows 3 children at a time to touch her but,he has an adult stand guard because he said, "She loves to wag her tail and I don't want anyone to step on it." The idea of a snake "wagging her tail" totally charmed me!

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Raptors are indeed linked to the soul - no doubt about that Vi. All the raptors at the House of the Serpents are very special and one will seek you out.


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