Thursday, November 10, 2005

More Masque Ball Guests

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Summra and Wintra, the Duwamish Conjoined Twins, who regularly perform at the Marina, are dressed, ready to go to Baba's Masqued Ball

More Authentic Darlink

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Koschey knows I hate clowns with a passion. So, of course, the wretch has insisted upon coming as a clown to the Masque Ball. Well you won't get me anywhere near him and I'd advise the rest of you to avoid him and that Party Punch he is in the habit of distributing all over the world. No wonder everyone is suffering from increased anxiety.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It can't be true...

Look at what I found in the Mailbag today! He's cleaned up a bit....
Swinging bachelor with private mountain hideaway
seeks special, darlink lady to accompany me
to a Masqued Ball.
I will make all of your vishes come true, darlink,
and you will never in your wildest dreams find someone
as handsome as Koschey.
Call me!

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Masque Ball in the Boudoir

Baba has been thinking and when Baba thinks anything is likely to happen. She has been wary of all these artistic types who have descended upon her and has decided to test them a little. She is planning to have a Masque Ball in her Boudoir. Everyone is expected to come in full costume, make a grand entrance and amuse Baba with a short act. Is that a distant cackle I hear or that old rooster crowing joyfully?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Message From The Silk Road

Hi Everyone!

Just an update from the Silk Road from your faithful Storyteller...

First I'd like you to meet some of my new friends:

Marie Guzman has just embarked on a Journey
she believes she's in control of...but if the Baba Yaga is involved, well, who's really in control is very much opened to debate and we'll have to see exactly what happens there.

I've shaken the tree and who should fall out but those Nasty Malloy Sisters ( God love 'em cause no one else does! ) that challenge me whenever I try to write about them.

And I've heard a rumor that that Summra and Wintra... two Sideshow Performers from Duwamish Bay have hit the Silk Road because, if I understand it correctly the Curiosity Shop in Duwamish Bay is sick.

In fact its dieing

Don't ask me how a building is dieing, I guess you'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

I just wanted to let you know that I've taken to listening to these old radio shows on tape...Mystery Theater, Lights I'm totally inspired to write these Weird Tales in a, you know vein.

Time for me to grab my notebook and hit the road...

Anita Marie

Thursday, November 03, 2005


The Secretary has been searching the files and found
a series of Animal stories by Jim Cornish. Please find a sample
in the Donkeys Incorporated and let me know if you would like
more posted. The Secretary (Jim Cornish is our sometimes
photographer and author of the Donkeys' Song)

Travellers Heading to Baba's House

The Amazon Queen has heard that Baba is organising the Advent Calendar this year and has 'all hands on deck'. So she has made haste to be at Baba's and help with the preperations. The Golden Spinning Wheel will be heard whirling late into the night.

The skies above Baba's are full of traffic as travellers make their way to her house to work on the annual Advent Calendar. Going to the House of Baba Yaga will be like attending an artist's convention and Baba is, frankly, excited. She has her Soul Hands working their fingers to the bone to have the place ready for such distinguished visitors.